
  • Our Sports Champions

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  • DT Competition Winners

    Reception winner – Ava-Mae, Reception second place – Rayna, Junior and Gregory Year 1 winner – Ezrah, Year 1 second place – Eden, Alex, Remi, Enzo Year 2 winner – Austin, Year 2 second place – Marley-Rae, Beatrice, Ariya, Jaeda, Seanna Year 3 winner – Maysa, Year 3 second place – Kobe, Zara, Hugo Year 4 winner - Aaliyah-Jade, Year 4 second place – Alexander, Jillianne, Hannah, Wuraola Year 5 winner – Mahzala & Ketsia, Year 5 second place – Remy, Jannelle Year 6 winner – Sapphire, Chloe, Shuya, Hosanna, Noah Well done to everyone who entered the hotel on the moon DT competition. There were some fantastic entries and our governors spent a long time deliberating when choosing the winners. Every child who entered the competition won a prize as well as the winners mentioned above.  
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  • Sporting Champions

    Sporting Champions St Edward’s hosted the Year 3 and Year 4 girl’s football competition with 10 schools in attendance. Everyone played really well but our St Edward’s girls played with skill and passion and got through to the final and came through as winners in a thrilling penalty shootout. Well done girls; we are really proud of you all! Our Year 5 pupils were Sports Leaders for the day and they did a fantastic job with Ms Collings in ensuring the event ran smoothly.
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  • CAFOD 2024

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  • Autism Awareness Week

    We celebrated Autism Awareness Week with arrange of different activities. This included a whole school quiz, sensory based games and a dress up day wearing as many colours as possible.
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  • A Royal Performance

    The Commonwealth Choir performed at Spencer House on Thursday the 21 st March. This was a performance in the presence Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal. The children sang beautifully and everyone in the audience enjoyed the performance. Mr Underwood was lucky enough to talk to Princess Anne and even had his photo taken with her.
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  • Year 3 Church Visit

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  • Thistle Class Assembly

    Thistle class presented their assembly on Friday the 8 th of March for children, staff, parents/carers. They put on a wonderful show celebrating women and mothers around the world. Their acting and speaking in front of an audience was fantastic. The song about mothers was beautifully sung and it brought a tear to the eye of many.
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  • PTA Mothers Day

    On Friday the 8 th of March our PTA hosted a fantastic Mother’s Day event at school where mums and other family members were able to come together. There were some exciting activities to take part in as well as some delicious food. Children also had the opportunity to buy roses to take home for the amazing women in their lives.  
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  • World Book Day

    We celebrated World Book Day on Thursday the 7 th of March with arrange of different activities about books and the love of reading. Both staff and children looked fantastic in their costumes including super heroes, princesses and even some scary ghosts. Some even made their own costumes which looked equally amazing.  
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