
  • Father Denis Cup

    Well done to all the children who took part in the Father Denis football event. This tournament is held annually in memory of Father Denis Hall. Both the girls and boys played very well and our St Edward’s boys achieved first place after playing other schools in our trust. Congratulations to them!
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  • Edwardian’s Programme

    Our Edwardians have been taking part in a number of different activities as part of their programme. The y went to Gilwell Park Scouts Centre on Wednesday the 3rd of July and participated in climbing, the Jacob’s Ladder which helped build teamwork skills as well as overcoming fears. Last week they also had the opportunity to work with Nurse Rui from the Newham Surgical Team who taught the boys about CPR, what to do when someone is choking, if someone is losing blood and if someone faints. All the Edwardians passed with flying colours.
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  • Brentwood Citizenship Award

    Adam in Year 6 was the recipient of the Brentwood Citizenship award. The children chosen for this award are someone who displays good character, kindness and service to others. Throughout the year, Adam has shown these values and proven what a well-mannered and respectful young man he is. Many adults and children have commented on his confident but calm manner.
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  • Chestnut Class Assembly

    Chestnut class put on a wonderful performance for their class assembly by telling the story of The Gruffalo. The children looked wonderful in their costumes and had learned all their lines. There was lovely singing and dancing too and the family and friends that came along had a brilliant time. Thank to Ms Ellul and all the staff who worked with the children to get them ready for their show.
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  • A great day out at London Zoo!

    Year 1 enjoyed a fabulous day out at London Zoo as part of their Science learning. Both the children and staff got to see a range of different animals in their natural habitats.
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  • Year 6 Summer Soiree pictures

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  • Awards Afternoon

    We had our awards afternoon on Wednesday the 17 th  of July. A number of children won awards from each year group so a huge congratulations to them all. Bishop Alan, Father Angelus and our CSEL Ms Cashell joined us for the ceremony. 
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  • Teddy Bears Picnic

    On Thursday the 4th of July our Nursery children enjoyed a Teddy Bears Picnic at school. The sun was shining and parents/carers came along to be with their children for fun, games and delicious food. Thank you to the Nursery staff and our PTA for working together to set everything up and ensuring that the children had a wonderful day.
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  • Blitz Detectives

    Year 6 went on an Educational Visit linked to their History topic to West Ham Park where they became Blitz Detectives. They had opportunities to unearth clues to the local events that took place in WW2. This included map reading, code breaking and clue solving to discover what happened at the park during the war.
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  • Cooking fun

    Some of our children have been taking part in cooking lessons to develop their understanding of how food is bought, prepared and cooked. They have made fruit salads, flapjacks and fairy cakes. Look out for many more delicious and exciting recipes to come.
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