
  • Storytime Buddy Project with Year 6 and Nursery

    Our wonderful pupils in Year 6 were part of a special writing workshop, led by our Deputy Headteacher, Mrs Casely. Each pupil in Year 6 were partnered with a nursery child. The Year 6 pupils learnt about illustrations and narratives aimed at younger pupils. They explored the simplicity of language, the use of repetition and how illustrations play a fundamental role in telling the story.
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  • St Edward's World Book Day

    On Thursday 3 rd March we celebrated World Book day to celebrate our love of reading. Staff and children dressed up in their favourite characters from stories they love. All were very excited as they had a range of activities throughout the day. We started the morning off by doing a 'Where's Wally' search in the playground.
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  • Art Week 2022

    What an amazing Art Week it has been for the children at St Edward's! The theme for the entire school was printing. Taking photos of the children focused and on task was a privilege. The concentration and enthusiasm were palpable.
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  • St Edward's Rocks Out!

    Did you notice your child was more excitable Tuesday evening? Apologies, that might have something to do with Rocksteady! On Tuesday 22 nd February your child got a taste of what it’s like to perform in a rock band . Tim from Rocksteady taught us how to rock out as a school and created rock stars out of our children to perform as a band with an audience!
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  • Our wonderful police force

    This week we were very lucky as we had Suzy from the Metropolitan police in school to meet with the children in each year group. Suzy works with all schools in Newham and delivers workshops about internet safety, personal safety, road safety, people who help us and informs children about the dangers of becoming involved in gangs. The children had a fantastic day and also learned about the role of a police officer and what children or adults can do if they need help. Please take a look on our website for more pictures.
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  • Graduation 2021

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  • Year 6 Prom

    Year 6 celebrated Prom 2021 on Friday 2nd July in our school hall, as opposed to the previous venue of Crown Plaza. It was a COVID safe night filled with fun and laughter. A big thank you to the staff and Friends of St Teddies who helped the smooth-running of the event, making it a memorable night for all who present. Take a look at our amazing memories in the photo gallery...
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  • NSPCC – Stay Safe, Speak Out!

    As the UK’s largest children’s charity, the NSPCC are committed to making sure that they help schools around the country keep their pupils safe. The aim of the NSPCC is to empower and help children and to provide teachers all across the UK with the tools to do that because we know that through working together, the NSPCC and the whole school community can have tremendous impact in preventing abuse and keeping children and young people safe. Due to the effects of the corona virus pandemic one element of the NSPCC’s service is the online ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’ programme. As part of our safeguarding procedures the school delivered the online assembly to the different year groups.
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  • The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

    After a very long wait the children were finally able to watch a live performance of ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ in the school hall. The show was due to take place in September 2020 but due to COVID restrictions this was delayed until the 17th of May. In order to keep to the safety guidelines, the M and M Production Company came to school with one main performer and the rest of the cast joined virtually through a 20 feet wide HD screen. The children were able to join in with the singing and dancing and really enjoyed a good laugh during the show.
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  • National Smile Month

    National Smile Month is a charity campaign all about championing the benefits of having good oral health and promoting the value of a healthy smile. Between 17 May and 17 June, the Oral Health Foundation will be raising awareness of important health issues and ready to put a smile on everybody's face. We want you to join us and make a positive difference to the oral health of millions of people. During National Smile Month, we are promoting four key messages for better oral health: Brush teeth for two minutes, last thing at night and one other time during the day, with a fluoride toothpaste.
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