
  • Blitz Detectives

    Year 6 went on an Educational Visit linked to their History topic to West Ham Park where they became Blitz Detectives. They had opportunities to unearth clues to the local events that took place in WW2. This included map reading, code breaking and clue solving to discover what happened at the park during the war.
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  • Cooking fun

    Some of our children have been taking part in cooking lessons to develop their understanding of how food is bought, prepared and cooked. They have made fruit salads, flapjacks and fairy cakes. Look out for many more delicious and exciting recipes to come.
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  • Japanese Club

    Some Year 4 children enjoyed a Japanese after school club with Ms O’Connell, who had a previous life working in Japan! They looked at Japanese language and writing, they practised using chopsticks, and they heard about different aspects of Japanese culture. Do you know what ikebana is? Ikebana means flower arranging.
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  • CYO Performance at St Edward’s

    On Friday the 21st of June the Common Wealth Choir came together for an end of year special performance at St Edward’s. The choir sang some of their beautiful songs and we were honoured to have Roberta Moore back. Roberta enjoyed the performance and commented on how talented the children are.
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  • Father’s Day Fun!

    The PTA organised a wonderful father’s day event on Wednesday the 12th of June. Some of our dads (and Mr Underwood) came along to be part of a football match. It all got very competitive but at the end of the day it was an opportunity to come together and celebrate.  
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  • Thorpe Park Trip

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  • Iris class Assembly

    On Friday the 24 th of May, Iris class presented their wonderful assembly based on the story Beauty and the Beast. The children looked beautiful in their costumes and acted out the story remembering all their lines. There was a very important message about being beautiful as a person and treating others with kindness. Well done and a big thank you to Ms Hassan and Mr Qasim for helping the children get ready for the performance  
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  • Story Telling Magic

    Reception children went to the Discover Centre to take part in the Box Rocket exhibition which links to their upcoming Space topic they will be studying in class. The children had a wonderful time and learned about the extraordinary world of play and storytelling.
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  • Oh We Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside!

    Year 2 had a fantastic day at the Seaside on Thursday the 23 rd of May. The skies were clear and the sun eventually came out. It was wonderful for the children to see a different location to their home towns and they even got to eat ice cream.
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  • Fern Class Assembly

    Fern class presented their wonderful assembly for the parents/carers and children to see on Friday the 3 rd of May. The children had worked really hard to get ready for their performance and were able to make an important point about looking after our earth. Their acting, singing and dancing were fantastic. A huge thank you to Mr Read and Mrs Hicks for preparing the children for their assembly.
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